The Purist Collection
10 Ways to Get Better Gut Health
Like I said in my recent blog post,5 Signs Your Gut Needs Some TLC, the health of our gut is a pretty gosh darn vital part of our overall health.
And, sadly, one in five of us are likely to experience some tummy troubles in our lifetime.
So, where to begin?
An Introduction to the Chakras
Chakras. You might have heard of them.
You might also have wondered just what the flip they are.
Well, essentially, a chakra is an organ sensitive to the reception, transformation and transfer of energies...
5 Signs Your Gut Needs Some TLC
Our gut is a huge (and I mean, HUGE) part of our overall health.
In clinic, gut health is something that I work on with almost every single one of my naturopathic clients in some way or another.
But how do you know when you're gut healthy, or when your gut needs some old fashioned TLC?
The Hormonal Acne Diaries: Post-Pill Acne
What happens when you end your relationship with your Pill?
A lot of women feel really...well, just bloody great when they come off the Pill!
But there's also a lot of women who will develop... DUN DUN DUNNNN... Post-Pill Acne.