Obsessed with: Neti
"Sorry...Neti? What?"
Seriously, if you, your sinuses and nasal passages suffer from hay fever like me and mine, this is a bandwagon you'll kick yourself for not jumping on earlier
September 25 2016
Emily Bathgate
Written By Emily Bathgate - September 25 2016
"Sorry...Neti? What?"
Seriously, if you, your sinuses and nasal passages suffer from hay fever like me and mine, this is a bandwagon you'll kick yourself for not jumping on earlier
October 12 2015
Emily Bathgate
Written By Emily Bathgate - October 12 2015
Ayurvedic medicine employed this ritual, also known as kavala or gundusha, over 3,000 years ago as a method of dental detoxification; a way of removing oral toxins to improve both oral and general health. In short, it involves swishing oil (olive, sesame, or - our fave - coconut) around your mouth and between your teeth for about 20 minutes before spitting (NOT swallowing - you don't want to permit any baddies re-entry) it all out.
October 02 2015
Emily Bathgate
Written By Emily Bathgate - October 02 2015
I've given up Gluten, Dairy & Sugar for six weeks to allow my body to rejuvenate and detox more efficiently. Which is fabulous! Except when I'm craving something sweet, and fruit just won't cut it... Enter a soft serve that totally fits my brief: Cocowhip.
Cocowhip is a bio-fermented and totally vegan soft serve that boasts "a far superior nutritional value to any other frozen dessert on the market, including Acai Bowls & Frozen Yoghurt Desserts". No gluten, dairy or sugar in sight.
September 26 2015
Emily Bathgate
Written By Emily Bathgate - September 26 2015
We recently visited The Little Shop of Plenty in Maylands. And now we're obsessed.
The Little Shop of Plenty is housed in Maylands, and offers delicious and nutritious foods - especially catering for those gluten-, dairy- and sugar-free diners amongst us.
July 15 2014
Emily Bathgate
Written By Emily Bathgate - July 15 2014
It's the middle of winter here in Perth at the moment, and my favourite way to warm up coincidentally has a huge assortment of health benefits - yay!
Infrared Saunas are similar to regular saunas in that they warm the body; however, these heat the body directly with the light spectrum of natural sunlight (but no nasty UV rays!), as opposed to the warming of the environment with very high temperatures such as in regular saunas. This makes them safer, less humid, much easier to tolerate, and more resistant to bacterial spread.