Spotlight on: Green Tea
Green tea consumption originated in India and China, having been cultivated for centuries, and is today one of the most widely consumed drinks in the world. As with black and oolong teas, green tea is derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.
While green, black and oolong teas have all been shown to reduce a risk of heart disease, green tea is made from unfermented tealeaves, and therefore exposed to less processing. As a result, green tea contains a higher proportion of catechins. Catechins are plant-based antioxidants, which have been proven more powerful than vitamins C and E in preventing oxidative damage to cells and in helping to fight disease.
Various study results indicate an association between green tea consumption and a reduced risk of developing skin, breast, colon, and lung cancers. One Chinese study also indicated a 46-65%reduced risk of developing high blood pressure.
Other studies show positive correlations between drinking green tea and:
- blood and brain health;
- lowered cholesterol;
- greater memory;
- prevention of plaque formation (Alzheimer’s) in the brain; and,
- blood sugar stabilisation.
We chose green tea to use in our Wake Up tea blend because of its ability to improve physical performance, and for the stimulant effects of its caffeine content.
Green tea’s caffeine load is far lower than coffee’s, and even black tea’s, and so it offers a great alternative.
The healthy amount of caffeine in green tea can increase concentrations of neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, improving mood, brain function, awareness, and memory. Caffeine also improves physical performance through mobilisation of fatty acids from fat tissue for energy usage. People report feeling more productive, and having more stable energy levels, when drinking green tea as opposed to coffee.