6 Essential Oils You Need at Home

Here at The Purist Collection, we love using aromatherapy and essential oils in our range of natural therapeutic products. But what exactly are essential oils, and which ones do you need in your home right now? Read on, possums!
Essential oils are quite simply pure plant extracts...just highly concentrated. For instance, one drop of peppermint essential oil equates to the goodness of twenty-eight cups of peppermint tea. So it's really no surprise that they've been used for health since ancient times. Safe for the entire family, and providing natural alternatives to many commonly used medicines, essential oils can be used internally, topically and, most famously, aromatically.
Here are our top 6 favourite essential oils for use in and around the home...
1. P E P P E R M I N T. Peppermint oil is a beautiful, menthol fragrance we all know and love. But not only is its fragrance gorgeous - this oil is great for calming the tummy as well as any tension in the head, but also for invigorating the lungs, boosting alertness, and cooling the body.
2. L A V E N D E R. Lavender is fantastic for the skin (as you'll probably have already discovered in some of our previous posts!) - it's not only super soothing for irritated skin, but helps to calm stings and bites. But not only does lavender essential oil soothe and calm the skin; it's known for its beautiful, soothing effect on our emotions and for helping us get the restful sleep we all need and deserve.
3. F R A N K I N C E N S E. Known as the "king of oils" (for good reason), frankincense helps to nourish the blood and brain, beautify the skin, soothe any aches and pains, and can help to boost immune support when taken internally. Personally frankincense is my go-to essential oil for meditation.
4. T E A T R E E. Um, yep. I think you know our feels towards Tea Tree (very very good feels). Tea Tree essential oil is an amazing antibacterial and antimicrobial, so it's incredible for maintaining skin, scalp, mouth and foot health. It's also useful in nourishing, calming and repairing sores and rashes, plus amazing for solving ear discomfort (when popped onto a cotton ball).
5. O R E G A N O. This essential oil is a brilliant one for natural immune support - in fact, I sometimes add a little to my coconut oil when I'm oil pulling to give my immune system a big, supportive cuddle. It's also an incredible oil for topical treatment of warts, and feet and toenail dramas. Basically, oregano is great for supporting overall health.
6. L E M O N. Lemon essential oil is a beautifully neutralising aromatic essential oil, and brilliant for elevating mood (aka it's perfect for diffusing around anywhere in the home or office). It's also a fab help when it comes to cleaning home and kitchen...as well as giving our insides a big fat detoxifying clean - it actually helps to breakdown petrochemicals in the body. Oh, and just when you think lemon couldn't get any better? Yep, it's also full of antioxidants!
So there you have it!
What are your favourite oils to use in and around the home?
References: DoTerra.