Obsessed with: Abhyanga

Are you keen on the idea of boosting your health, wellness, vitality and longevity? Yep, thought so. You might want to consider the ancient Ayurvedic practice of abhyanga.
Practicing abhyanga means performing a self-massage with warm oil before bathing. Why do it?
- s o f t e n and s m o o t h skin
- assist d e t o x i f i c a t i o n
- improve b l o o d c i r c u l a t i o n
- enhance o r g a n function
- stimulate l y m p h a t i c f l o w
- improve m u s c l e t o n e
- improve s l e e p p a t t e r n s
- decrease s t r e s s h o r m o n e release
- prevent h o r m o n e i m b a l a n c e
It's a simple process, with a bevy of beautiful benefits. Here's how you can abhyanga:
- Select your oil. Sweet almond oil is beautiful for dry skin and for the colder months, while coconut oil and olive oil are great during summer. Organic, non-refined and non-perfumed oils are best. And you can warm the oil by placing the container in some hot water for a few minutes.
- Pour a small amount of oil into your hands.
- Massage the oil into your body. Spend about five to fifteen minutes, starting with your scalp and then working towards the middle of the body. Massage the stomach using clockwise, circular strokes to help improve digestion.
- Chill for another five to fifteen. Meditate, oil pull, read yourself some beautiful affirmations.
- Shower off.
Chakara Samhita, the classic Ayurvedic text, says that "the body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts, and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age."
We're in - are you?
References: Wellbeing Magazine.