What is Naturopathy?

Our creator, Emily, is a qualified Naturopath. Her passion is to enable her clients to achieve their healthiest skin naturally, and to bring you naturally, therapeutic products, inspired by the modality she is a part of.
But what exactly is Naturopathy? And how can a naturopath help you?
Naturopathy is a preventative practice. Through combining conventional health science with natural therapies and traditional medicines, Naturopathy aims to balance mind, body and soul, or spirit.
A preventative approach to healing involves alleviation of any health concerns, the addressing of any underlying cause/s, and ongoing wellness support.
Naturopathic practice is based on modern, traditional, scientific and empirical medicine methods.
The foundation of Naturopathy is built upon six principles:
- V I S M E D I C A T R I X N A T U R A E - the healing power of nature. Naturopathic medicine recognises the body's inherent self-healing process. A naturopath aims to identify and remove any obstacles to healing and recovery, and to fully facilitate and enhance this inherent ability to heal, naturally.
- T O L L E C A U S A M - identify & treat causes. A naturopath will not merely eliminate or suppress symptoms of illness or disease; instead, they will seek to identify and treat the underlying causes.
- P R I M U M N O N N O C E R E - first, do no harm. There are three guidelines that a naturopath will follow to ensure their patient's safety and health. Firstly, harmful side effects are minimised by choosing the least force necessary to both diagnose and treat. Secondly, the harmful suppression of symptoms must always, where possible, be avoided. And, finally, a naturopath must always acknowledge, respect, and work with an individual's self-healing process.
- D O C E R E - doctor as teacher. Naturopaths educate and encourage self-responsibility for health.
- T R E A T T H E W H O L E P E R S O N. Naturopathic treatment considers individual physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social and other factors. It also encourages patients to pursue their own personal spiritual development; as holistic health encompasses mind, body and spirit.
- P R E V E N T I O N. Naturopaths will make appropriate interventions, with their patients, to prevent illness. The emphasis on the prevention of disease includes the assessment of risk factors, heredity, and susceptibility to disease.
The practice of naturopathy encompasses a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities: clinical and laboratory diagnostic testing, nutritional medicine, botanical medicine, naturopathic physical medicine (including manual therapy), public health, hygiene, counselling, homeopathy, flower essence therapy, acupuncture, prescription medication, intravenous and injection therapy, and naturopathic obstetrics. Your naturopath may utilise any or all of the above.
Naturopathy is suitable for all ages, and can alleviate a wide range of conditions, including fatigue, stress and digestive disorder. BUT, you don't need to be unwell to benefit from naturopathic treatment. In boosting the body's inherent natural healing potential, harmony is restored, and disease prevented.
The Purist Collection features naturopathic formulas + blends. Herbal, botanical medicine is utilised to alleviate and prevent common health complaints, including skin conditions, fatigue, digestive disorder, and sleep difficulties - which is exactly why we utilise medicinal herbs in our products.
Head over here to book a consult with our naturopath Emily today.